I am mindful in the midst of an incredibly stressful time personally, of how grateful I am that in my stress I do have a warm place to live, plenty of food, a car to drive and places to drive to, friends and family. My friend, Sue, has blogged about her trip to Haiti and how her heart is broken for that country. She is NOT a traveler but this was her one trip out of the country. I swiped the picture from her blog today. (Hope you don't mind, Sue).I know how touched I am personally to put names and faces to places in which disaster occurs. I have been to Jamaica and Honduras on short-term mission trips and whenever they are in the news, those places call to a special part of my being. The translation to Haiti, where I have not traveled, is an easy one.
In my busyness recently I have only caught snippets of the news and devastation there, but my donations are made and will continue. There are many things to do and places to support. At church this Sunday, we will put together more than 500 health and baby kits for immediate shipment to Haiti through Church World Service. The relief arm of our Disciples of Christ denomination is Week of Compassion. (DOC has two teams who were in Haiti at the time of the earthquake and thankfully they are all well and accounted for).
My donation is headed there through WOC but there are lots of place to send money which is always the immediate need over "people" help.
You can text a quick $10 through your phone easily to American Red Cross by texting the word Haiti to 90999.
Living in gratitude today and heartbroken for Haiti.
It's always on my mind how lucky I am to be warm, dry, fed, clothed, sheltered and loved.