I've always been a list maker. I have lots of lists and notes. Some I complete, some I don't, some I refer back to, some were just for the moment. This site was interesting to me. I looked at the book The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin to see if I wanted to buy it after watching an interview with her on the Today Show. She has a blog and I think for now, I'll look through it first. I also went back to last year's blog on Slate. I think I may like the blog format as well or better than the book. Did find this site of hers interesting and if you are a computer person and a list person, you may like it, too. I'm going to see how I like using it, though with lists, I tend to be a paper and pencil girl for the most part.
My friend, Dave, said last night that his dad advised him early not to write things down. Sometimes not in your best interest to have something "on the record" and I've found that to be true at times especially if I had something negative to say, but I do find writing helps me organize my thoughts and edit myself. Guess a good rule of thumb is if you don't want anyone and everyone to read it, don't write it down (or be sure to destroy it). With cyberspace, some things get cast out into space and can never return. Good to be mindful of that.
Always mindful that I learn about myself through learning what others have learned about themselves.
I've been following Gretchen's Happiness Project for a couple years now and I understand her book is a huge success already. Her blog is where I first heard the expression, "The days are long but the years are short."