Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I realize that one thing I do practice fairly regularly is prayer. One thing I'd like to add to my prayer life is more listening.

Pray was our lenten theme Sunday. Jeff Street does worship is such deeply meaningful and tangible ways. I'm always touched and I've learned to skip make-up when there. I cry it all away from the tenderness of it all. Individuals shared prayers that have been important parts of their lives.
The symbol of our sustenance in the desert theme has been a walking stick to which has been attached words of sustenance of the congregation. 
Every week there are more added from those left at the alter the previous week. 

This week bells were added as a symbol of God's hearing our prayers.

And there was an opportunity to take a bell and or light a candle as a prayer.
I did both. I put my bell in the little middle compartment between the front seats of my car. I like it there. When I stop, it rolls and rings and triggers a quick prayer for something or someone, or perhaps just to listen.

 The stick this week

Another prayer habit I have had for more than 20 years is to meet with other women over breakfast and share our concerns and joys and lift up those of others in prayer. We also send cards to those we know of who could use a word of hope, encouragement, wellness, or joy.

We each put a prayer concern on a card and take one of another's to pray for all week.

I'm celebrating the joy of a well practiced act with great meaning for my life.
What are you practicing today?
Is it something that brings joy to you and others?

This poem was a part of our worship and a reminder of my need to listen.

It doesn't have to be
the blue iris, it could be
weeds in a vacant lot, or a few
small stones; just
pay attention, then patch
a few words together and don't try
to make them elaborate, this isn't
a contest but the doorway
into thanks, and a silence in which
another voice may speak.
Mary Oliver 

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